What are the 7 Types of Graphic Designing  You Need to Know?

What are the 7 Types of Graphic Designing You Need to Know?

You might know there is more to graphic design than just choosing colors and creating a logo, but there are a lot of things you have no idea about. Learning these types of graphic design is a great way to make yourself stand out in the job market as well as show new skills in your portfolio. In this blog post, we will detail and deal with what each type of graphic design is and why it's important for you to learn more about it.

In today’s day and age, we rely heavily on graphics on multiple devices such as websites, advertisements, social media posts, etc. This means that we need designers who can create effective artwork that won’t have any problems with compatibility when presented to mainstream audiences.

Who is a Graphic Designer?

A graphic designer is a creative professional who uses typography, photography, and visual arts to create images that inform, persuade, and excite. This entry will cover the general use of type in design and how these designs can be used as a tool for different purposes.

The 7 types of graphic design are:

Advertising Design

Brand Identity Design

Comic Book Cover Design

Game and Application Design

Infographics Design

Narrative Storyboard Design

Typographic Poster Design

Advertising designing

Advertising design is exactly what it sounds like – designs for advertisements, billboards, commercials, and even print ads.

This type of design is one that you can work on with a lot of freedom because you won’t be tethered to any specific guidelines.

As long as your design can effectively get the message across, you will be providing value to your client.

Advertising designers are in huge demand these days as we all know that the world revolves around marketing and designing billboards, advertisements and other forms of commercials that are required for marketing purposes is in huge demand.

Brand identity design

Brand identity design is another form of designing that has a lot of freedom.

The job here calls for you to create a brand that the client can use across different marketing platforms such as websites, social media sites, printed material, and promotional events.

You need to come up with a logo, color scheme, and other elements that will be used across all the pieces of artwork you create.

As long as it boosts the brand value and is easy to remember, this type of graphic design will be an invaluable resource for your client.

Comic book cover design

Comic book cover design is all about creating artwork for comic books.

There are tons of comic book connoisseurs who seek out comic books based on the artwork alone.

Game and application design

Game and application design are all about creating games and applications that people can use on their devices such as phones, tablets, and computers.

This type of design is broken down into two categories:

1. 2D design which focuses on animation, illustration, photography, and graphic design

2. 3D design which creates animations within apps by using 3D programs like Maya, 3Ds Max, and Photoshop to create amazing combinations. You can learn all the skills of creating graphic designing from graphic designing courses in Kolkata as this can provide you with an opportunity for getting a job directly just after the completion of your course.


Infographics design is all about creating visual art in the form of data pieces.

This type of design is really important in this day and age because we have an overload of information to process daily.

Infographics help us to process this information more appealingly.

A lot of people can relate better to visuals than they can to plain text alone, which is why it’s important for you to get down on this type of designer.

Narrative storyboard design

Narrative storyboard design is all about creating storyboards for movies and animations.

You need to be able to visualize scenes in a movie and come up with a cohesive sequence of events that will be enjoyable for the audience.

This type of graphic design is fun because you are able to see your ideas come to life in the form of a visual narrative sequence.

Typographic poster design

Typographic poster design is all about creating posters that attract people’s attention by using the power of typography.

This type of design is especially popular in the field of graphic design, especially with art galleries and other advertising billboards.

It attracts people’s attention because we naturally gravitate toward words that have beautiful designs.

Final Note

There are many different types of graphic designers, each using typography, photography, and visual arts differently to create different effects. For example, an industrial designer's job is to make interesting things that solve problems. An art director makes an ad in which specific messages are conveyed with images and words. A web designer creates pages for the Internet that are easy to navigate and look good on any computer screen. Learn Is graphic designing a great career option

Graphic designers use type (headlines, paragraphs, and captions) as one of the primary ways to create messages on printed materials like magazines or posters. A graphic designer acts as a powerful communications tool. The final product of a graphic designer can be used to attract attention, support the main message on a page, or add emphasis to key elements of a design as well.