What are the Seven Stages of Game Development?

What are the Seven Stages of Game Development?

Are you curious about the how games are made? This article describes the steps involved in creating a video game, focusing on the "pipeline," a phrase used in the industry to describe the process of starting from scratch.

Rough Drafting

Rough drafting, which entails coming up with an idea and constructing a flowchart for the game, is the initial stage of game development. The task of the game designer is to create this storyboard, and they must consider all the gameplay mechanics, rules, resources, etc. At this time, the storyline must also be developed, along with any potential dialogue or cut-scenes. After taking all of this into account and conducting any necessary research, designers show their concepts to their team and get input on what works and what doesn't in their design.

Building the Game

Building the game is the second step in the creation of a game. For this, designers and developers frequently focus on parts that aren't visible to the general public in an effort to make them seem better, as well as provide well-thought-out, debuggable game mechanisms. Designers will make changes to their work throughout this phase, and they may even prototype new concepts. After completing this phase, they will transmit their ideas to the programmers, who will then be in charge of implementing everything by incorporating it into a functioning engine.


All those annoying issues that slipped by testing during the earlier stages of development can now be corrected by programmers and other developers who have been hired to help with debugging the finished product. The testers are in charge of ensuring that the programming is done correctly and of testing the game to determine if there are any issues. To accomplish this, they must set up and play the game under time constraints or under other constraints.


Everything from step 3 has been repaired at this point and is prepared for release. This covers all of the programs, all of the requested bug repairs, and the last-minute problem fixes. Once this phase is over, the game can be submitted for testing once again to verify the changes and ensure everything is operating as intended. Learn about what makes game designing a desirable professional path for youngsters.


The issues that were discovered and corrected during testing can now be delivered to Gamestop for manual printing and submission for final approval. This is the last stage of development.


The game is prepared for distribution to retail outlets as well as other online distribution channels once the release date has been decided upon. Since this is the first time the game has become widely accepted in the eyes of many people, marketing and promotion should have started at this point. Your game can now be purchased by anyone, played only once, and then enjoyed for free! If they enjoy it, they will recommend your game to all of their friends and ask for a copy. Then everyone will dash outside to purchase one before they are all gone.

After Release

The game has finally been released, and millions of people around the world are enjoying it! The game becomes a massive success and earns incredible sums of money! You achieve enormous fame as a game designer! Everyone values your work and will be raving about it for years.

Is Game Development a Good Career Option?

A good career choice? It is without a doubt one of the top professional possibilities available today. The gaming sector is now regarded as one of the most organized and straightforward. According to FICCI reports from 2022, the gaming sector is expanding at a 20% CAGR. This game sector is attracting more people. Game development courses are an aid for people who desire to enter the field as qualified professionals. The growth of the video game business in India is a result of people's growing desire to play and study video games. India is one of the world's biggest marketplaces for video games. You will be shocked to learn that one of India's most secure industries is the gaming sector. The gaming industry in India is tremendously diverse and constantly growing.